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Equipment Marking Tracking Products

“Recover Your Assets”

Sonotronics is the leader in pinger development for a variety of oceanographic needs. Our pingers have been used to relocate current meters, ROV/AUV/UUV vehicles, deep ocean sites, divers, and many other subsea applications.

This page provides an overview of our equipment marker pinger product line. Links to specific pages about products are found here.

Low cost, long life, durable pingers. Lifetimes from months to 4 years. More…


Products include:

  • EMT-01-1: 48 month, 1km range, 2.5km depth rating

  • EMT-01-2: 18 month, 3km range, 2.5km depth rating

  • EMT-01-3: 6 month, 4km range, replaceable batteries

Tilt reporting pingers. Monitor your deployment angle as equipment arrives on the ocean floor in real time. Pinger continues to ping for its lifetime allowing for monitoring and relocating of the equipment. More…


Products include:

  • EMT-AR: Angle reporting pingers

  • TILT-Tracker: Complete kit for monitoring tilt angle

This robust unit is used for locating Sonotronics pingers, even in low visibility environments. The UDR now has a visual signal strength indicator on the display. The UDR is also capable of receiving telemetry from Sonotronics transmitters. More…

This is the most common set used for locating and monitoring pingers from a surface vessel. It contains a receiver, hydrophone, test pinger, and all other accessories necessary to locate pingers. More…

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